The Tom Joyner Foundation is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with Hands Up World, an organization aimed at bringing awareness to the social and political issues that are affecting African American communities. The Hands Up World initiative aims to make a difference in the community and “Change The News ” with encouragement and positive actions. A portion of the proceeds from your pin purchase will benefit students attending HBCUs, with much needed scholarships.
Use Discount Code “TJF” to receive $2 off your purchase
The first 300 purchases will receive a limited edition free Black Lives Matter Pin
Lapel Pin: Black Lives Matter #blacklivesmatter $10.00 Free Shipping & Handling
” Black Lives Matter” was birthed after the murder of a young 17 year old black teen, Trayvon Martin. “BLM” is meant to place higher value on a segmented group that is statistically targeted and devalued within society. Wearing this pin keeps the thoughts and conversation going throughout the world, and it allows the message to continue to circulate. Click here to purchase
Lapel Pin: I Can’t Breathe #icantbreathe $10.00 Free Shipping & Handling
” I can’t breathe” were the last words spoken by the late Eric Garner as he was choked to death by a New York police officer on Staten Island, July 17,2014. These words resonate beyond the late Mr. Garner’s death. They have taken on meaning for whoever has experienced the proverbial “choking” from the hands of the justice system, employer, or discriminatory acts through institutionalized racism. This pin says “I understand the struggle, but I refuse to be denied a better quality of life”. Click here to purchase.
Lapel Pin: Don’t Shoot $10.00 Free Shipping & Handling
“Hands Up Don’t Shoot” emerged out of the killing of the unarmed black teen Michael Brown. “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” has been echoed all over the world as a gesture of protest and a fight for fair due process in the justice system. Click here to purchase.
The first 300 purchases will receive a limited edition free Black Lives Matter pin